La Saint Valentin à Paris

 by Alix   Opération commerciale ou opération séduction, cette année j’ai décidé de fêter la Saint Valentin dans la ville la plus romantique au monde, dans ma ville : Paris! Vous, les américains adorez fêter Valentine’s Day. Quelques semaines avant la date fatidique fleurissent dans les magasins des coeurs de tout poil afin de vous […] Read more…

Valentine’s in Paris

By Alix Celebrate Valentine’s in Paris Business transaction or operation seduction, this year I decided to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the most romantic city in the world, in my city: Paris! You, Americans adore Valentine’s Day. A few weeks before the date stores display hearts of all kinds to remind you to celebrate your lover. […] Read more…

Charlotte, La Petite Soeur de Kate…

by Alix Charlotte La Petite Soeur de Kate Kate Moss a célèbré ses 40 ans il y a quelques semaines. Bien qu’elle comptabilise près de 25 ans de carrière en tant que mannequin, elle est toujours au top, toujours en avance d’une tendance et toujours une des mannequins les plus photogéniques et les plus photographiées […] Read more…

Charlotte, Kate’s young sister

Kate Moss celebrated her 40th birthday a few weeks ago. Although her career as a model spans almost 25 years, she’s always on top, always ahead of the trends and still one of the most photogenic models and most photographed in the world. Today, ironically or by clever calculation, her younger sister Charlotte, who had […] Read more…

Welcome to the re-launch of Blush & Beyond

  Hello and welcome to the relaunch of Blush and Beyond!! It has been such a pleasure making this blog that I decided to make it into something bigger , more all encompassing. So I have partnered with my friend and French style maven, Alix to bring you a more dynamic site that will cover […] Read more…

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