Hokuha-do + Sephora Pro brush collaboration makeup brush with red handle

Those of you who know me are familiar with my obsession with Japan. It all started when I went on my first modeling trip to Tokyo way back in 1990! I was very green in the business and after a 14 hour flight I found myself catapulted into another world. Tokyo was the largest city I had ever seen and although it was exciting and full of contrasts and excess, what really captured my attention was traditional Japan. You could catch glimpses of traditional Japan when you would spot a Geisha or a Sumo leaving a restaurant in the glitzy Ginza district. Just a short Shinkansen (bullet train) ride and you were in Kyoto where you could visit Temples and Zen rock gardens and participate in tea ceremonies. The Japan of yesteryear is one of tradition and hierarchy and close attention is paid to every detail, which is why the Japanese have such incredible craftsmanship. Craftsmanship is an art in Japan and is carried down through generations.

The art of brush making, traditionally for calligraphy and painting, is of the highest quality in Japan. Hakuho-do is one of the best brush crafters in the world. Today, 90% of their business is crafting makeup brushes (Fude in Japanese), not only for their own lines but also for top cosmetic companies around the world. Hakuho-do brushes are the Rolls Royce of makeup brushes and makeup artists love their high quality and incredible softness. Each hair used in making a brush is carefully chosen in order to weed out any of less than top quality and each brush is made by hand.

I was excited to see that Sephora had collaborated with Hakuho-do for a line of brushes. Even though the hairs they have chosen to use are synthetic, the brushes are still extremely soft. I chose the Kusabi brush, a sloping powder brush specifically designed for powder, or bronzer. I like that the shape hugs the contour of the face allowing for precise application of sculpting powders. It works very well with powder makeup despite it’s synthetic fibers. Care must be taken when using it with creamy or liquid formulations since it deposits a lot of product, and is best if you tap it first on the back of your hand before applying.


Part of what constitutes a great makeup application is the makeup brush and I can’t emphasize enough the importance of a few good brushes for your makeup kit. (see here for which makeup brushes are essentials) These ones are beautiful, of great quality and although a bit pricey can be kept for a very long time. Hakuho-do also sells it’s own lines of brushes online. Some of them are very pricey because of the materials used for the handles( like ebony wood and 24K gold plated ferrules, just gorgeous!) but some of their basic series are even less expensive than similar ones from well known cosmetic companies. For example they have an amazing eyeshadow blender, the J5523, which is even better than MAC’s coveted 217 brush.

I am reminded of Japan whenever I use this brush, which for me, is worth it! Until I can make another trip to the land of the rising sun.


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