5 products that makeup artists can't live without picture of Tom Ford shade& illuminate and L'oreal voluminous mascara and Stila convertible color in Peony with professional makeup brushes

There are five products that I can’t live without in my professional makeup kit and I find myself going back to them again and again. These are the products that get used and I need to replace more often than others. They have stood the test of time in that they have never let me down even under different lighting situations and they work for many skin tones or in other words they look great on many people.They may not be the latest and greatest but I can attest that they work and I would say my kit can’t live without them. Which means they could work for you too!


1. Still convertible color in Peony (I also like Gerbera a more peachy pink)- This is the perfect cream blush that makes the skin look lit from within and gives cheeks that perfect blush color. Everyone I use it on loves it. I even use it on kids shoots to give them that natural rosy cheek. On paler skins it looks like a healthy flush and on medium skin tones gives a pinky pop of color. It’s perfect for all but darker skin tones where it starts to look ashy. (they have other shades, like poppy, which would give darker skin a lovely pop of color) It is also meant to be pressed on the lips as a lip color, which is pretty, but I mainly use it as a blush.

2. Laura Mercier secret concealer– This creamy concealer can cover anything. It is quite thick so if I need to cover under the eyes I will thin it out with eye cream. I love the peachy tones to the concealer which is great at covering blue under eye circles, or lifting darkness in scars or brown pigmentation. They have expanded their range to include 12 shades so it is easy to find one to suit your skin tone. For high coverage it can be patted on and then dusted with some powder for a very natural finish.

3.Tom Ford Shade and Illuminate- This two in one palette contains a darker shade for anything from sculpting to all out bronzing and the light shade is for highlighting or adding a glow. I love the darker shade as it isn’t orangey at all and is perfect for believable contouring. I have also used it as a bronzer and to shade the eyes in the socket line. It’s really creamy and so easy to blend. The highlight shade looks amazing blended on the tops of cheekbones but I also like to add a pop of it on the center of the eyelid. On bare lids with just liner and mascara gives a glow to the lid and over top of a smokey eye just in the center can add drama.

4. L’Oreal Voluminous mascara– I have tried tons of different mascaras and some I love but this one has never let me down. It always builds up beautiful clump-free lashes no matter how many coats I put on. Since I have to change mascaras regularly, it helps that it is inexpensive.

5. DIOR crayon eyeliner waterproof in Trinidad Black– This is the perfect basic black eyeliner. It isn’t too densely black and so is perfect for more mature eyelids and also for day looks. It goes on smoothly and can easily be blended but manages to stay put through long hours of shooting. I also use it on the waterline if I am doing a smokey eye. I like that it comes with a sponge at the other tip for blending.

I hope this helps you navigate the endless array of makeup products to choose from. Do you have any products you can’t live without? Let us know in the comments!






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